Writing part I of my 10 Years Later reflections was so easy. Talking about my experience of leaving Utah felt like a natural flow. Trying to encompass everything of actually living in Switzerland? Not so easy. I’ve literally spent the last 4 days trying to write part II and 14 revisions later, I realised it’s just not going to happen. I thought typing away my feelings would help clear my thoughts, but it only showed me how overfilled the last 10 years really were and how I still haven’t processed…
Category: Life Lessons
Life Lessons about self love, relationships and things that inspire me.
10 Years Later (Part I): When I Woke Up for the Last Time Calling Utah Home
It was the morning of April 26th, 2009 when I woke up for the last time calling Springville, Utah my home. I have flashes of frantic last minute suitcase cramming. Wondering if I had packed all the necessary items to start my new life. Trying to pack up your life in three suitcases is no easy feat especially when you have no idea what that new life will look like. I remember my mom insisting she cut the ends of my hair because “how could I arrive to meet my…
Daily Thought: A Funeral, Time and Freedom
I have spent the last 48 hours in a small town in Croatia. My husband’s grandmother passed away and we attended her funeral on Tuesday. It was a bitter sweet moment because she was the last parent to go for my father-in-law. The grandfather passed away almost 4 years ago and in a way, we have been waiting for this moment for awhile. It must be hard to continue on with life when your partner leaves you after decades of sharing each day together. In my mind she is now…
Daily Thought: Why Did I Quit Blogging?
Why oh why did I quit blogging? Last night I found my old blog posts from 2010-2011 on a hard disk that my husband backed up. I totally forgot I had started with blogging so early on. I didn’t write many posts, but I wrote enough to capture one of the most life changing eras of my time. It was the time where we live in London in a hostel. Broke. Struggling to survive. And growing up in the best way possible. I was 20 when I started blogging and…
I want to go to sleep. Is that so bad?
It’s 10:30pm, it’s raining and the only thing that sounds good is my bed. I’m so tired that all I want to do is sleep. These feelings are conflicting. I got home from work at 8pm, cleaned a little bit, prepared dinner and ate with my husband. It was 9:45pm when we finished eating and afterwards it was time to clean. I just want to go to sleep. Work was not stressful, yet my mind is tired. There is a lot I still have not finished today such as my…
Education Is More Than School
When we hear the word education, we should not just think of a Master’s degree or school. When we hear education we should think of education in the world. Education in humanity and in our ability to be “smart” in the way we treat each other and everything around us. Education should not be limited to subjects that we have no interest in learning. School should also stop being the place where the feelings of inadequacy are developed. A school should be a place where our future generations can sit…
The Quickest and Easiest Way to Happiness
Today I took a short spontaneous walk through the forest near my house. With Spotify playing my classical music playlist, I began walking while looking up at the sun smiling down at me. The forest has a bare look from the fallen leaves of Winter and the birds are more visible than ever. The spontaneous walk was inspired by a surge of overwhelming gratitude that came over me as I sat in the tram on my way home. The last months have been a special time in my life because I have…
Exercise Really Does Make You Happy. My 3 Favourite Home 20 Minute Workouts.
So, the last couple of days have been a little rough on my emotional spirits. In terms of Eckhart Tolle, my Pain-Body awakened and was really hungry for pain and sadness. Do you ever have those days? Where all you can remember are painful memories? It is definitely not fun or enjoyable. The good thing about sadness is that it inspires reflection on our lives and the current state of our thoughts and emotions which can be a powerful tool to grow. I find that moving our bodies really does make…