“But We DO Spend Time Together”

Editors Note: It’s Monday 1:20am and my editor Tobi didn’t have time to edit this post – so apologies for any typos or confusing sentences. Feel free to send me a message with corrections! I will appreciate it.  🙂 Saturday, May 28th 10:44pm Today Tobi and I went to go watch the new X-Men movie (good movie BTW), after the movie we went for a walk around the city before heading home. It’s been two hours since we got home and we are both sitting next to each other at…

Rainy Day? Attitude is Everything.

Hello my friends! It’s cold and rainy today and it kind of sucks. It kind of sucks because yesterday it was hot and sunny which gave us hope for the pending summer we are all desperately waiting for. I don’t know how the weather has been wherever you are, but in Switzerland we have had more rain than sun in the last two months. Constant rain can become really annoying as going outside means rain in your face, wet clothes and cold hands and feet. Rain can also make us…

Richard Branson: An Icon of Business and Life

One day in 2014, while I was killing office work time going through my LinkedIn feed, I discovered The Man behind the super successful Virgin empire. Obviously I had heard of the Virgin brand but I never paid attention to who was running the show.  I decided to buy his autobiography “Loosing My Virginity” and it changed my life. So cliché – I know. But it’s true. I read his autobiography at a time when I was becoming increasingly impatient working in an office doing work I didn’t believe in. His fearlessness and determination spoke to…

Is Adrenal Fatigue Real? And How Is It Related to Weight Gain and Tiredness

Towards the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 I was struggling with my health. My main struggles were insomnia, low energy and weight gain. I dreaded going to sleep at night because I knew going to bed at 12:00am would result in my mind not shutting up until around 3:00am. The bad sleep resulted in waking up feeling unrested and my energy would crash throughout the day. Although I only gained about 3-4 kilos which is around 7-8 lb., I was really confused and somewhat frustrated. My exercise and eating habits…

5 Things I Did to Make Switzerland My Home

7 years ago I moved to the land of Grüezi, raclette and postcard scenery. Aside from Swiss chocolate and banks, I had no idea what this place was about. When I found out that Switzerland has a French, German AND an Italian part, I thought: Wow! It’s like buy 1 country get 2 free. The first couple of years were rough. Aside from Tobi and his family, I didn’t know anyone here and I didn’t understand the language or culture.  “Home” for me was flying across the Atlantic Ocean to the…