Exercise Really Does Make You Happy. My 3 Favourite Home 20 Minute Workouts.

So, the last couple of days have been a little rough on my emotional spirits. In terms of Eckhart Tolle, my Pain-Body awakened and was really hungry for pain and sadness. Do you ever have those days? Where all you can remember are painful memories? It is definitely not fun or enjoyable. The good thing about sadness is that it inspires reflection on our lives and the current state of our thoughts and emotions which can be a powerful tool to grow. I find that moving our bodies really does make…

Current Life Struggles & What I Am Doing About It Right Now

Hello my fabulous human beings! Happy new year and happy new journey around the sun. 🙂 Today I will share with you my current struggles. Why? Because one of my biggest struggles right now is getting back into my daily rhythm after the holidays and traveling. Whyyyy is it so hard to get back into a routine? [whining & thinking emoticon] List of life struggles Struggle #Laziness Maybe it’s the jet lag or maybe it’s the fact I haven’t done much productive work in almost one month, but either way,…