Hello Everybody! đ I have a cold this weekend and it’s not nice. đ {crying face} but you know what? Who cares… because I just finished editing my Vlog that I made the week of launching House of Swap. Truth be told, I actually didn’t know I would be launching last Sunday but somehow as I was vlogging, I decided it would be a nice title to have, so I went for it. I mean why not? Life has a funny way of working out sometimes. If you have 10 minutes,…
Year: 2016
If You Have The Opportunity to Travel, Do It.
If you have the opportunity to travel, do it. Why? Because you will rarely meet people who say they hate traveling. And there is a reason why they don’t. Sure, some may complain about the stresses or hassles of traveling (airports, travel time, etc.) but you will never hear them complain about the excitement or joy they felt while exploring new lands. Some may say: “it’s not my thing” or “I’m not really interested in it” or “I don’t have the money for it” but more often than not, these…
A Video for The New Week by Simon Sinek
Hello and Happy Monday everybody. Who is excited about the new week to start? (Meeeeeeeee) …. and who is dreading it? It’s Thanksgiving in the US this week which means a long weekend for some of you. đ Today I want to share a video from Simon Sinek with you. Simon is the man behind startwithwhy.com and he is also the speaker of one of the most watched Ted Talks ever (almost 30 million views). This man focuses on understanding Why We Do What We Do, Great Leadership and… in a way, Millennials.…
Natural Products for Bad Skin
This video is for anyone who may struggle with bad skin. I share with you the products that I have found to help me the most and are natural. đ You can see a list of all the products on my actual YouTube channel. đ
The World of Plugins is Unpredictable and Rough
Before dipping my toes into the world of IT through my blog and a platform I am currently building; I had no idea how unpredictable and rough the world of IT actually is. Especially plugins. My husband is a web developer and I count myself very lucky to have someone understand everything I don’t. Especially today when I ran into an issue of picture rotation. Apparently, there is a thing called metadata (or Exif) that is stored on most pictures taken from a smart phone, and that data isn’t always read…
Late Night Confessions & The War Of Art
The War of Art: My personal Game Changer It has 4.5 stars on Amazon with over 2,000 reviews. It’s really that great. Â Read the reviews here:
Life in Zurich On A Wednesday Afternoon
Today I stopped to take a picture of one of my favourite corners in Zurich. A man walking his dog crossed the street as I was taking the picture. This gave me the idea to try and capture a part of my day in pictures â or Life in Zurich On A Wednesday Afternoon. The weather today was a mix of sunshine and clouds with a little “hump day” spirit in between. Below are 13 pictures of what I saw today. Ps. Walk down memory lane of a Summer night out…
My Most Valuable Life Tool
This past week I realized pamelagiacometti.com has become my most valuable life tool. Here are my reasons why: Vulnerability. I have learned first hand itâs not as scary as we think to put ourselves out there. I am pushed everyday to think long and wide. Creative freedom. Inspiring one life is better than wishing of inspiring one life but not taking any action to do so. I finally stopped wishing and started doing. I have gained so much respect and admiration for all the creators who put their creations out…