Rainy Day? Attitude is Everything.

Rainy Day in ZurichHello my friends!

It’s cold and rainy today and it kind of sucks. It kind of sucks because yesterday it was hot and sunny which gave us hope for the pending summer we are all desperately waiting for.

I don’t know how the weather has been wherever you are, but in Switzerland we have had more rain than sun in the last two months.

Constant rain can become really annoying as going outside means rain in your face, wet clothes and cold hands and feet.

Rain can also make us feel tired and invite not so happy moods

Not wanting to leave the house or our beds are also common side effects.

While all these feelings and reactions are completely human and acceptable, they shouldn’t become the excuse we use to stop going outside with a happy heart.

Because you know what?

The rainy days may last awhile. And what? We should wait around in our homes until the sun is out so we can go out with a smile on our faces? I don’t think soooo… because if you are like me who is living in a country where the sun seems to be playing hide and go seek with everyone… you will be waiting for awhile.

I used to always complain about the discomfort rain brought me until I understood that Mother Nature doesn’t really care if I’m comfortable or not. So I better figure out a way to deal with it —> (Hello! Rain jacket, rain boots and un-straightened hair!)

And besides, at the end of the day, who cares if we have a little water on our faces? That’s Mother Nature sharing a part of herself with us.

And you know what else? Sunny days can also be uncomfortable. Especially when going outside results in sweating profusely and feeling as if we could have a grill party on top of our heads because it is so hot.

Whether we like rain or sun, nature will give us what it wants. The only thing we can choose is our Attitude to whatever we get.

“…Some people feel the rain others just get wet…

Thanks for reading & wish you all a fabulous new week!

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One Thought to “Rainy Day? Attitude is Everything.”

  1. Katerina

    Reading your post made me smile on a rainy day 🙂 …and I love the picture 😉

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