Is Adrenal Fatigue Real? And How Is It Related to Weight Gain and Tiredness

Tired puppy for Adrenal Fatigue

Towards the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 I was struggling with my health. My main struggles were insomnia, low energy and weight gain.

I dreaded going to sleep at night because I knew going to bed at 12:00am would result in my mind not shutting up until around 3:00am. The bad sleep resulted in waking up feeling unrested and my energy would crash throughout the day. Although I only gained about 3-4 kilos which is around 7-8 lb., I was really confused and somewhat frustrated. My exercise and eating habits had not changed to result in such a weight gain. I thought for a moment that this was the “your metabolism slows down as you get older” syndrome, but I was only 24 and I didn’t feel that was the case. 

Since hearing about people living with underlying diseases, I felt it was best to visit one of the few doctors in Zurich who practices conventional and alternative medicine just to make sure everything was okay with my body. And yeeees, I’m a total believer and supporter of alternative medicine.

After having a chat with my doctor about my “problems” I ended up going home with a cortisol saliva test.

A few weeks later I went back for my results and I was told my adrenal gland function was really low. Like basically in the basement of 5,000-floor building low, which meant my adrenals were over worked and that’s called Adrenal Fatigue.

Adrenal Fatigue. What is it? How do you get such a thing? And is it real?

Well first: Here is a picture of what our adrenal glands look like and where they are located in our body. You can also read about the adrenal glands function here.

Adrenal Fatigue picture of the Endocrine System


And second: I am no doctor and I don’t feel qualified to give you information so you can read about what Adrenal Fatigue is here and here.

There is some controversy surrounding this diagnosis as it is not considered to be a proven scientific medical condition. Some even argue it is a Western Civilisation “thing.” You can read so many articles online and in my opinion: You have to find your own truth.  Whether the medical community considers it to be a “real” thing or not. For myself, I believe bodily exhaustion, high levels of stress and not enough rest are very real things.

And this is what I did to “cure” myself from Adrenal Fatigue:

* I slowed down and stopped slapping so much on my plate. This meant more No’s to social commitments and more Yes’s to down time.

* I stopped running for everything. Hurrying can cause stress which is not so good for your adrenal glands. Better late, than adrenal gland-less.

* I gave up coffee for a couple of months but I’m not sure that helped me so I continued drinking my 1 cup of coffee a day. 

* I began meditating. (Post for the future)

* I took Phytisone for two months and then Adrenal Cortex for another two months. After those 4 months I stopped taking adrenal gland support supplements to let my body do it’s work naturally.

* I stopped any cardio or intense workouts and stuck to pilates and began walking. A lot. Walking through the city or nature with classical music is really the best. I highly recommend it.

It’s been 8 months of no more sleepless nights, no more energy crashes and no more weight gain. Like I said before, whether Adrenal Fatigue is real or not real… I don’t really care.. all I know is this: SLOW DOWN and take care of your body. 

Stop and spot the birds flying in the sky. Or stop and smell the roses. Whichever one you prefer. 🙂

If you know anyone who could benefit from this story or information – please send or share it along.
If not, leave a comment below and tell me what you think. I truly love hearing from you.

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One Thought to “Is Adrenal Fatigue Real? And How Is It Related to Weight Gain and Tiredness”

  1. Lulu

    Good information, thank you

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