When You Wake Up With The Blues


This morning I opened my eyes to a soar body – the result of a 20 minute workout I did on Thursday. My legs felt heavy and any movement made my abdominals feel as if something was pulling them apart. I must either be getting old or I am really out of shape. I’m 26, so it’s definitely the latter.

In between opening my eyes and rolling over, I could feel that today was not my day –  so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

I woke up again an hour later to find my Tobi in the kitchen getting ready to cook his breakfast. “Good morning my beauty” he says with a smile. “Morning” I reply back sounding half alive; another sign of a challenging day ahead of me.

Normally, I am a morning person who wakes up with a lot of energy and is excited for the day – but today was just not one of those days. The weather is cold and gloomy which added to my I-don’t-feel-like-doing-anything-except-lay-on-the-couch-and-do-nothing mood.

I heated up some water, squeezed some lemon juice into it, went into the living room and sat on the couch. Drinking warm lemon water has become a daily habit in the last months. Apparently it has some great benefits.

My water was too hot so I just sat and stared out the window feeling meh. I really don’t enjoy mornings like this. The minutes passed and my water cooled down enough to drink. After taking the last sip I did not feel any livelier than before. I didn’t have much appetite so I read a couple of articles from my Medium and BoF newsletter until my body let me know I was ready for some food.

I went into the kitchen made myself a cup of coffee and a mushroom omlette. I sat down next to Tobi who was already eating and we finished breakfast together. Tobi and I don’t normally eat the same breakfast because if I were to eat everything he does – well – I would need to do more than a 20 minute workout to fit into my clothes.

After breakfast my energy was still a bit down, so I went back to the couch and started scrolling through social media. I find social media to be encouraging when I’m feeling unmotivated. When I see pictures or read articles of my fellow human beings succeeding, I am reminded that no one gets anywhere without working for it.

And sometimes working for “it” means moving forward even when we feel like just standing still.

This morning all I wanted to do was hide from the world on my couch. It is now 9:33pm and I am finishing up this totally random blog post to keep my personal momentum going. Tobi and I also went out with some friends for a coffee where we encountered a homeless man sharing his story with us, a walk home and a pie baking evening.

My day was full of new insights, laughter and memories. Memories that I could/would have missed out on; had I given into my initial “Saturday Blues”.

“The future depends on what you do today.”

– Mahatma Gandhi


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