10 Years Later (Part II): Back to My Life, Back to My Swiss People

Writing part I of my 10 Years Later reflections was so easy. Talking about my experience of leaving Utah felt like a natural flow. Trying to encompass everything of actually living in Switzerland? Not so easy. I’ve literally spent the last 4 days trying to write part II and 14 revisions later, I realised it’s just not going to happen. I thought typing away my feelings would help clear my thoughts, but it only showed me how overfilled the last 10 years really were and how I still haven’t processed…

10 Years Later (Part I): When I Woke Up for the Last Time Calling Utah Home

It was the morning of April 26th, 2009 when I woke up for the last time calling Springville, Utah my home. I have flashes of frantic last minute suitcase cramming. Wondering if I had packed all the necessary items to start my new life. Trying to pack up your life in three suitcases is no easy feat especially when you have no idea what that new life will look like. I remember my mom insisting she cut the ends of my hair because “how could I arrive to meet my…